{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/footer/footer.html.twig' %}
{% set showFixed = config('NetzpShariff6.config.showFixed') %}
{% set offset = config('NetzpShariff6.config.offset') %}
{% set buttonStyle = config('NetzpShariff6.config.buttonstyle') %}
{% block layout_footer_payment_shipping_logos %}
{% if(config('NetzpShariff6.config.excludeHomepage') and activeRoute == 'frontend.home.page') %}
{% else %}
{% if(showFixed == 'footer') %}
<div class="netzp-shariff-center">
<div class="netzp-shariff-footer"
{% if(buttonStyle == 'standard') %}style="width: 100%;"{% endif %}
{% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/shariff.html.twig" %}
{% elseif(showFixed != 'none') %}
<span class="netzp-shariff-{{ config('NetzpShariff6.config.showFixed') }}"
{% if(offset > 0) %}
style="{% if(showFixed == 'fixedleft' or showFixed == 'fixedright') %}bottom: {{ offset }}vh{% endif %}
{% if(showFixed == 'fixedbottom') %}left: {{ offset }}vw{% endif %}"
{% endif %}
{% if(showFixed == 'fixedleft' or showFixed == 'fixedright') %}
{% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/shariff.html.twig" with {'orientation': 'vertical', 'buttonstyle': 'icon'} %}
{% else %}
{% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/shariff.html.twig" with {'buttonstyle': 'icon'} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}